Handling Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office with Expert Training From First Responders
Paving the Way for Safety at West Wind Dental
When you go to your dentist, you expect to be taken care of by trustworthy, knowledgeable staff. Whether it is a simple cleaning, a cosmetic surgery or a total smile reconstruction, you expect to have safe, comfortable and professional service. We are taking this expectation and are raising the bar even higher, to not only give exceptional service, but also emergency response service!
Here at West Wind Dental, we are prepared for all kinds of emergency scenarios to keep you and our staff safe through all stages of your visit. To ensure this, we recently partnered with a local emergency responder training company to conduct an all-day training on handling medical emergencies and creating emergency action protocols.
On Friday, August 26, 2022, representatives from a company called Bad Day Industries came into our office to train our staff members. Bad Day Industries, located out of Grand Rapids Michigan, is composed of trained paramedics, EMTs, firefighters, police officers, and sheriff deputies who have years of experience responding to “bad days”. Both the owner/director W. Mel Oakley III and the education program manager Brian Stalsonburg assisted with the training.
The day consisted of health care emergency response team simulations and preparedness drills. The West Wind Dental staff received hands-on step-by-step instructions on handling time-sensitive occurrences, mock code scenarios, and basic cardiac life support including CPR and ventilating a patient using a Bag Valve Mask (BVM).
This training was conducted for two main reasons; to ensure that our staff is fully knowledgeable in all the protocols involved for a safe, confident, and well-prepared dental procedure that takes place at our office, and to ensure our patients receive the best possible care while they’re here at West Wind Dental. We are excited to continue these in-person trainings for the safety of all our clients and the community.
View more photos from our training here:
We are renowned for our cosmetic and restorative dentistry and our staff is highly trained with the use of various sedations during dental procedures.
We have made it our mission to be at the forefront of modern technology and the host of safe and life changing procedures! Everything we do is with YOU in mind, to give you the best experience possible during your visit with us.
Are you or someone you know in need of expert and safe dental care?

Dr. Andrew Hamilton, DDS, FAGD
Dr. Hamilton is an active member of several professional organizations including the American Dental Association (ADA), the Michigan Dental Association (MDA), the Kalamazoo Valley District Dental Society (KVDDS), the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID), the International Academy of Facial Aesthetics (IAFA), and the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICIO). He also routinely attends courses through the Pikos Institute in Northwest Florida and has achieved fellowship status in the International Dental Implant Association (IDIA) as well as the Academy of General Dentistry (FAGD). Dr. Hamilton is a proud alumnus of the Kois Center program in Seattle and is currently serving on the faculty of the Global Dental Implant Academy (GDIA).
With the little spare time left over, you’ll find Dr. Hamilton enjoying his time steelhead and salmon fishing and playing the occasional round of golf.