Understanding Whole Mouth Tooth Implants

Breakthroughs in the way dental implant procedures are performed have created new options to replace missing teeth. Historically, patients may have pursued traditional dentures, a single tooth implant, or a permanent bridge. Today, they have a much better option.

Full-mouth dental implants, developed by Portuguese professor Paulo Malo, are a life-changing option to create the appearance of healthy teeth. Referred to as All-on-Four dental implants, they offer patients a path to new teeth that can improve overall oral health, prevent bone loss, and restore confidence.

But, what’s involved in the dental implant procedure? Who makes a good candidate for full-mouth dental implants? And, most importantly, are these kinds of implants the right option for you?

What are full-mouth dental implants?

A quick history of full-arch dental implants

In the early 90s, Paulo Malo was working with Nobel Biocare to develop a solution to tooth loss. As a leading provider of dental implants, Nobel was motivated to discover newer, better ways to replace missing teeth.

From that motivation, the concept of All-on-Four implants was born. Designed to anchor to a patient’s jawbone using only four titanium screws, it aimed to make implant procedures easier, faster, and more effective.

By the late 90s. Malo was treating patients with his newly developed technique. In due time, he was delivering full-mouth implants that preserved oral health, supported patients’ remaining natural teeth, and afforded them a life-changing solution.

Today, Malo is considered the world’s foremost expert on dental implant technology and full-mouth restoration.

Comparing full-mouth implants to other options

As a way to address tooth loss and replace missing teeth, dental implants are a tried-and-true solution. But, there’s a huge difference between a single dental implant and full-arch dental implants.

Full-mouth dental implants are the most efficient, most natural-looking way to replace damaged or missing teeth.

One of the major issues with conventional dentures, bridges, and other impermanent solutions is that they do very little – or nothing – to address bone loss. Full-arch dental implants are firmly affixed to your jawbone, creating the pressure necessary to stimulate bone growth. And, since they’re fixed to your jaw, they don’t slip or become unstuck like other artificial teeth.

What’s the difference between natural teeth and implants?

One of the major differences between actual teeth and implants is how they integrate into your jawbone. Because titanium is the most biocompatible metal, it’s able to fully integrate with bone. This creates a strong bond that holds the dental implants in place and, more importantly, helps to prevent bone loss. There are, however, a number of other important differences.

Cavities and gum disease

We all know that teeth are prone to developing cavities. The materials used to create dental implants, however, don’t share the same weakness. Of course, it’s important to keep up with your normal oral hygiene routine to prevent infections, gum disease, or implant failure.

Nerves and sensation

Because dental implants are made from synthetic materials, they don’t have the same ability to feel pressure, pain, or extreme temperatures. While this may take some adjustment, it’s not entirely different from the sensations created by removable dentures or a permanent bridge.

A long-term solution

As mentioned above, teeth are prone to decay, cavities, and damage. And, while dental implants can be broken, it’s engineered to be as strong as your original teeth. Of course, some adjustments may be necessary, but dental implants allow you to fully enjoy nearly all foods.

A dentist holding whole mouth dental implants.

What should I expect during the dental implant surgery?

We know that surgery of any kind can be intimidating and dental implant surgeries can create a lot of anxiety. Because of this, we often recommend that patients receiving full-mouth dental implants utilize our sedation dentistry capabilities. While you’re receiving your full-mouth dental implants, these services can help to alleviate anxiety and ensure a more peaceful, relaxing experience.

  • Consultation:  We provide a comprehensive exam, X-rays, and scans.
  • Extraction: Under anesthesia, we extract your remaining teeth.
  • Dental implant placement: Four posts are surgically implanted for stability.
  • Installation: Your new teeth are installed atop the four titanium posts.
  • Follow-up visits: We schedule follow-ups to ensure proper integration and healing.

Ready to schedule your dental implant consultation?

At West Wind Dental, we pride ourselves on being the go-to source for full-mouth dental implants in Portage, MI. With years of experience and a team of caring, compassionate professionals, we’ve built our reputation on our ability to restore confidence.

Whether you’re considering traditional dentures, individual implants, or want teeth in a day, we’re here to help you explore your options.

So, if you’d like to talk about a new set of teeth to boost your confidence and improve your oral health, we’re here for you. When you’re ready to talk about full-mouth implants, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us today.

Dr. Drew | West Wind Dental

Dr. Andrew Hamilton, DDS, FAGD

Dr. Hamilton is an active member of several professional organizations including the American Dental Association (ADA), the Michigan Dental Association (MDA), the Kalamazoo Valley District Dental Society (KVDDS), the American Academy of Implant dentistry (AAID), the International Academy of Facial Aesthetics (IAFA) and also attends courses with the Pikos Institute in Northwest Florida. He is a member of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICIO), has achieved fellowship status in the International Dental Implant Association (IDIA) and in the Academy of General Dentistry (FAGD), has graduated from and is an alumnus of the Kois Center program in Seattle, and is on the faculty of the Global Dental Implant Academy (GDIA).


The little spare time left over is spent Steelhead and Salmon fishing and the occasional round of golf.

A Fond Farewell to Dr. Ashley Muehleise

Dear West Wind Dental Family,

It is with mixed emotions that we announce the upcoming departure of our beloved associate dentist, Dr. Ashley Muehleise, who will be leaving our team in September to pursue her passion for community dentistry and focus her care towards the underserved members of our community. Over the past three years, Dr. Muehleise has been an invaluable member of our practice, bringing exceptional skill, compassion, and a warm smile to every patient she treated. Her dedication to improving the oral health of our community has left a lasting impact, and while we will greatly miss her, we wholeheartedly support her decision to follow her passion. We are excited to see the difference she will make in the lives of those in need. Please join us in wishing Dr. Muehleise all the best in her new journey. Thank you, Ashley, for your contributions to West Wind Dental-you will always be part of our family!

For our patients, we want to assure you that our commitment to providing the highest quality of care remains unchanged. Our team is here to continue serving you with the same level of dedication and compassion you have come to expect from us.

Dr. Ashley Muehleise, DDS | West Wind Dental Team

Warm regards,

The West Wind Dental Team

New Hours Effective Monday, Febrary 13, 2023

7 am – 12 pm
1 pm – 4:50 pm
*Doors locked during lunch hour.


 7 am – 2 pm


7:00 am-4:50 pm, closed for lunch from 12:00-1:00 pm (door will be locked)


 7:00 am-2:00 pm


 7:00 am-noon